The wide wing seat was developed by joint efforts between eight time AMA National champion Rick Johnson and GUTS Racing. As off-road motorcycles have become thinner and more compact it has become increasingly harder to grip and control the bike with the knees. The lower body is far stronger that the upper body allowing the rider greater control. The more a rider can use their lower body to control the bike the less upper body fatigue.

Used by many top AMA MX/SX, MXGP and Pro Privateers. Some of the riders using the "Wing Seat" include;
• Dean Wilson Factory Rockstar Husqvarna https://www.instagram.com/p/BSMZ8uBlMWl/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=151x2li1o7quo
• Michael Mosiman Rockstar Husqvarna
• MXGP Iceone Rockstar Husqvarna team

VOTED BEST OF 2018 by Keefer inc testing